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What to Do if You are Failing at Work?

Failing sucks – every employee knows that very well. Life is hard enough. The highly competitive conditions in many work areas mean workers are under constant high pressure. It leads to stress, negative feelings associated with tight deadlines (which can sometimes be frustrating), hectic schedules and general confusion – and it is from this that failing at work adds even more stress. Anyone can make mistakes – it’s normal, and no one is immune. There are days when you’ve done all you can for yourself, but it isn’t enough.

Although failures can happen to anyone, you shouldn’t take them for granted and completely ignore them. If you hide behind your mistakes, you will suffer further failures. For hard work to be fruitful, you must know how to overcome failures. In this article, we’ll look more closely at what causes failures, how to deal with them, and review a few strategies to avoid failing at work at all.

How do we define failure at work?

For many people, failure at work is defined as this: a goal has been set but not achieved. It is easy to know whether we have reached the objective, though this is often based on precise data. Failures are often precisely in the eye of the beholder. Here are practical examples of several scenarios in which one considers oneself a failure:

  • A marathon runner with a fair amount of experience set a goal of running to overcome the marathon in no more than 4.5 hours – 20 minutes less than his previous best time. As a result, he could only run the marathon in 4 hours and 40 minutes. For him, such a figure is a disappointment.
  • The employee wants to be promoted by competing for the job with other candidates. But as a result, an outside employee is hired because management felt that hiring this employee would show that the company wanted to make a change.
  • The new employee is tasked by management to prepare a presentation. He then shows the supervisor what he thinks is an excellent job. The supervisor praises the presentation but changes the presentation slides significantly before the meeting with the client.

Note that the main feature of each of the above examples of failure is that the expectations did not match the ideal that everyone had imagined for themselves. That demonstrates that each person in the sample did their best to succeed and did a great job, even though the result was disappointing.

Reasons for failing at work

Making mistakes haunts almost every employee. Overconfidence is also a big problem for many. External factors are to blame, but external factors such as lack of certain skills, failure to establish a process, and more are also a big influence. Many people believe that most people fail (in work and personal life) because they lack the skills to achieve their goals and succeed. In reality, failure in business is almost always the result of one or a combination of several reasons: poor discipline, negative emotions, etc. Besides, a team member failing occurs because of disrupted communication, or many others.

Causes of Failure at Work

If you are interested in the root causes that lead to a failure at work, the following is a more in-depth look at them. Some of the most prevalent causes that can provoke failure at work are collected in this article.

Lack of Preparation and Planning

For your productive work, you must have a clear plan for getting there. Lack of preparation and planning is among the most common reasons we fail at work. Those employees who have achieved something worthwhile have yet to do so without discipline. The latter requires a fair amount of self-control and the ability to avoid temptations and distractions. It pays to stay focused on the goal at all times.

Poor Time Management Skills

Time management is quite essential in achieving a goal. Work lives require a proper allocation of time. If you do not spend enough time on the task and achieve success, you should not set too high expectations that you will succeed. So it is always worth ensuring you invest enough time working towards success at your job.

Inability to Balance Personal and Professional Lives

Future success depends on how well you balance your personal and work lives. Professional and personal responsibilities grow over time – sometimes, this happens rapidly, and we can only sometimes cope. Maintaining an optimal balance between your personal life and work is crucial to staying productive and happy. The more people rely on you – at work and home – the more important it is to maintain a balance.

Unclear Goals and Objectives

You need to set specific goals that you want to achieve to succeed. Unclear goals and objectives significantly increase the likelihood of encountering setbacks and problems. To solve the problem presented, you need to be clear about your role in achieving the goal to consider it on a broader scale. In addition to the main goal, it is also worth planning the smaller steps towards its achievement.

Unsatisfactory Performance Reviews

Many employees feel great stress over performance reviews. Most employees find the process inconsistent and arbitrary. More often than not, the performance review takes the form of an awkward conversation with the manager that is only distressing. As a result of receiving a negative appraisal, many employees need to improve their performance and make various mistakes.

Poor Interpersonal Skills and Communication

To be successful in reaching the goal set, you need excellent communication. And it is not only clients who need to communicate, but also their work colleagues and superiors. When a person does not understand what he does, how best to do it and why he does it, the probability of making a mistake is much higher. This risk can be reduced by clearly communicating tasks, responsibilities, and goals.

Past failures

Errors can be caused by employees needing to pay attention to past failures – not fixing the root cause the first time. An unresolved problem is like a snowball rolling down a mountain, getting bigger over time. To avoid this kind of thing, you must strive to understand the root causes of failure and the solutions to these problems. It is worth accepting failures and learning from mistakes.


Constant stress, high job strain and competition lead to a high employee burnout rate at workplace. Employees with burnout experience physical exhaustion at the end of each workday, detachment and cynicism from customers and other co-workers, enormous dissatisfaction with their work and uncertainty about whether they will make it to the next step in their careers. Combining these factors leads the employee to make some mistakes at work.

Consequences of Failure at Work

Failures at work are not just mood-breaker. Their consequences go much deeper – they affect not only one’s working life but one’s personal life as well. Below we’ve compiled some of the most popular consequences that work-life setbacks lead to.

Negative Impact on Career Opportunities

An employee who makes mistakes could be more presentable in the eyes of colleagues and, most importantly, management. The failures can become a major obstacle to promotion, salary increase, getting a good order, etc. Of course, mistakes are possible in everyone, even the best employee. But their regularity and magnitude can be a decisive factor in career success.

Loss of Confidence in Abilities

Every failed process causes employees’ self-esteem to plummet. They may start feeling insecure about their abilities. A failure was caused by their lack of knowledge, that they did too little, that tried too hard, and so on. Loss of confidence can harm subsequent work. Blaming yourself is not worth it, as it can negatively impact your health.

Lack of Motivation

Feeling frustrated by mistake causes the employee to give up. As a result, they may not want to achieve anything in the future, their productivity decreases, and they need to be more motivated. Often after a failure, the employee has no desire to reach another goal, and the work becomes a burden. In this situation, it is essential to maintain motivation for new achievements.

Challenges with Mental and Physical Health

A person disappointed by mistake is under a great deal of stress. As a result, failure leads to specific problems with mental and physical health problems – increased anxiety, lack of sleep, absent-mindedness, memory problems and more. In this situation, you must learn to let go of the pain and not let it cause severe damage to your health.

Strategies to Avoid Failure at Work

Failure at work can happen to anyone. It would be best to be fearless of making mistakes like the fire. If it happens, you should admit them, analyze them and make appropriate conclusions, continuing to move forward. In addition, certain strategies will minimize the chances of making a mistake in the future. We have compiled some of the most effective ones.

Identify Weaknesses and Strengths

You should assess your skills and abilities, finding your strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses are worth working on so that you won’t fail later on. Your strength may be your leadership and ability to manage your time, but you may also need help communicating. In this situation, consider the learning opportunities of others and your communication skills.

Improve Time Management Skills

Technical skills in managing your own time are very important. In this situation, you can learn how to manage time for work and private life and how to allocate time to different goals. Nowadays, workers have many learning opportunities, particularly concerning time management.

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Goals must be clear and achievable. It is the objective that determines whether or not you will be successful. If it is clear and mapped out in great detail what you need to do to achieve it, it will be easier for you to succeed.

Keep Up With Developments in the Field

Virtually every professional field is constantly evolving. To succeed, you must keep up to date with the latest trends, innovations and developments in your field. Many employers demand this of their employees.

Seek Professional Development Opportunities

There is no limit to professional excellence. A good, regularly successful employee always works on himself and his professional skills. You can develop yourself in many different ways, e.g. by attending training courses, studying new trends in the chosen field or working on your personal qualities.

Maintain a Positive Attitude and Stay Motivated

You may start feeling unwell and in pain immediately after a failure. More often than not, we experience a cocktail of emotions: anger, anxiety, sadness, a feeling of guilt and others. These feelings are always unpleasant, and you may only feel them for some time. Refrain from constantly thinking about failure. You need to label your emotions and drown them. Afterwards, keep a positive attitude and stay motivated to move forward.


For many employees, failure at work is a real burden. And employees who fail are seen as sinners. Suppose you allow failure to take over your thoughts and emotions. In that case, it can wreak havoc with your life, affecting self-esteem, mental balance, relationships with co-workers and significant others, and physical and mental health. Failure at work is not the end all be all. Remember that even a clock that does not work two times a day shows the exact time. Remember your failure, analyze what led to it, and what went wrong. You can only be disappointed for 1-2 days, and afterwards, learn from your mistakes so that you don’t have to next time.

What to Do if You are Failing at Work?
Date: 18 March 2023
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